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We do not care about hypes. Hypes do not move us. People do. It is people that drive us. We want to put substance over hype.

A real entrepreneurial ecosystem is made of amazing people. We believe that it is through strong partnerships, active collaboration with others and actionable knowledge sharing that entrepreneurs' mission to challenge the status quo becomes possible.

We aim to portrait the human side of entrepreneurship; to connect, teach and inspire. We want to hear from those change makers, the ones who are shaking the world, to trigger the power of collective intelligence.
We believe that social bonds have the power to improve the world. ​ We do believe in the power of human collaboration and collective intelligence for innovative, transformational and impactful entrepreneurship projects.

​“All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.”
Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers

Behind Business is an independent knowledge management digital platform for entrepreneurship-related topics. ​By being editorially independent, we are able to set our own agenda, and we have space to do what seems right for supporting not only the European entrepreneurship ecosystem but also the aspiring entrepreneurs, by actively looking for feedback. It enables us as well to give a voice to those less heard and to talk to those who want to achieve their dreams but do not know where to begin.​

Nowadays, information is too much and too spread all over the internet. Thus, finding and filtering out useful information from reliable, independent, unbiased and trustworthy sources is rather hard. Better information and knowledge management practices are needed to help us to be more eficient, effective and more creative, and every single human being should have the means for that.

​​All of this makes us unique; it is what makes us different to so many others in the online space. It is why we are building this: for you, for us, for all.




Andreia Sampaio

digital marketing | web design


Hugo Esteves

management | communication 

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João Raposo

marketing | communication

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In collaboration with:

ana esteves.png

brand design


translation | linguistics

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More to come.

This is, and will always be, an ongoing work.

Stay tuned!


Contact us if you are interested in collaborating with us. 

Let's support the entrepreneurial ecosystem together.

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